Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Photography fun

Today is a year since my Dad passed away, and it has me thinking a lot about photography (his love).....so I have been playing on Photoshop today. Still learning.


Second one may be a little washed out, will have to do some more tweaking.

Miss ya, Dad, even though we didn't always see eye to eye.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nice to meet you. Let's sniff and get to know each other.

Hi. I'm Sophie. And I love you. And you. And you. And that tennis ball. And the pool. And my mom. And milkbones. And that lamppost. And dirt. And that bug. (Bugs are delicious!)

I even love it when my mom holds me like this. This was me when I was a baby. I'm big now. But she still likes to try to hold me like this. 

She also tries to swaddle me like the other puppies she takes care of when she says she "goes to work". (That's when she's gone for a long time and comes back smelling like people puppies.)

I kind of liked being swaddled too, but don't tell her that. 

It is very sad that I am too big to be swaddled anymore.

This is my sad  face:

My mom says that I am the biggest sunshine she has ever met.

I will tell you more about me later!